

About the competence centre

Up to now, there has been a lack of comprehensive and thorough evaluation of financial education programmes.
As a result, there is little reliable knowledge about which programmes are effective and why.

With the goal to improve this situation, we founded a competence centre for research and evaluation of financial literacy in the year 2023. Our team of five researchers takes an interdisciplinary approach that combines different professional perspectives, areas of application and target group needs. Within the research group, we have comprehensive technical and methodological expertise in the disciplines of education, economics, political science, psychology and mathematics.

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Group of people

International Survey of Adult Financial Literacy

What do people actually know about finances and how do they handle money? The International Survey of Adult Financial Literacy (ISAFL) by the International Network on Financial Education (INFE) of the OECD provides answers to these questions.

Kindergarten with kids

Evaluating the “Geldwert – Wertvoll” educational program in kindergartens

In September 2023, the one-year pilot project “Geldwert – Wertvoll“ was launched at public Lower Austrian kindergartens (district of Bruck an der Leitha). The project is a collaboration between the OeNB, the regional government of Lower Austria and the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection.


Studying the perceptions and needs of active and prospective teachers

A qualitative Study using focus groups in order to investigate the needs and support requirements of teachers and prospective teachers of “Geography and Economic Education”


Making sense of financial vulnerability: between sensitivity, resilience and exposure

A Study on the conceptual components of financial vulnerability